
Falling from Grace

I still remember that day we met
A preachers daughter
the bad boy smoking a cigarette
an unlikely duo
somehow we clicked though

I never imagined a girl in the bible belt
would enjoy the way mine felt
they always said,
" Don't judge a book by its cover."
I found this to be true
in you,
my unlikely lover

You became my sultry whore
I became your sinful paramour
endless summer nights
sinful wet flesh excites
heading down a road of damnation
for tainting his creation

Defying the rules in Corinthians
divulging in sexual explorations

once to an empty church...

Jesus with a crucified view
as I had you bent over
that old wooden pew

To hell in a handbag
probably faster
as I made her my slut
that daughter of a Pastor

You lost control to my words
whispering a verse from Proverbs

" Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight;
be intoxicated always in her love."

You screamed out "AMEN"

to the heavens up above

Orgasms filled the room
with the sounds of sinners pleasure
my lust went deeper
as I plundered heavens treasure

They will tell us we are going to hell
covered in Satan's smell
So I made you my sex slave
what's the big fuss?
should have never let me read Exodus

We embraced our sin
until summers end
thoughts of her
still bring out a devilish grin

Perhaps hell is my fate

Perhaps St Peter will close the gate

If so
I will go
wearing this evil grin
no regrets
because I know
I will see her once again

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